Sunday, February 1, 2015

thoughts on college no. 3

careening careening careening
tasting creamy sweets
and unaccustomed to acrid bitterness

no rejection yet
all "you are accepted
you are wanted
you are needed
by the world"
but that's preposterous
in this world of
or the ubiquitous
(like "harvard is for leaders" as
cambridge would quip)
what room is there for me or
for failure
what room is there for creeps
who have a home and have
no home
(o matres almae
what possibly can
this weird kid give you)

I wait for that
with dread and strange expectation

a slap to the face
is solely the method
by which to speak
to such a prick

what did Lewis say?
that pain is God's choice
I know the sound
the blast the boom
of that megaphone
it isn't safe but it is

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